War veteran Blessed Geza has lashed out at President Mnangagwa saying he has surrendered State power to his wife and sons.
"We have a clueless and hopeless government of corrupt and greedy individuals, led by Emmerson Mnangagwa and his children. His children have become defacto Prime Ministers in this country, its not a secret. We replaced Mugabe with a monster, a korokoza. It is us who gave you Mnangagwa. Mnangagwa has surrendered State power to his wife and children. We are sadly seeing history repeating itself. We can't allow that to happen.
We have the right to remove Mnangagwa from office. Who does not know that Mnangagwa fled this country with just his son and cousin. Tonzwa vamwe vachiimba kuti garwe garwe raiwombera richitukwa he chi chii muchiimba rikapedisira rava muoffice. Imbai muchiti garwe garwe raiwombera rikapedzisira ratiza. Tisu takaridzosa.
In all this madness, the son of Mnangagwa, a mere soldier drives to work in a Rolls Royce. How does this make other soldiers feel, even the army general, a dedicated man in uniform can't afford that car. Where is that money coming from. Its being looted from our national coffers."
He said he will never be expelled from Zanu PF "I'm a Zanu PF Central Committe member. Hakuna anondidzinga murikutamba, a war veteran and former Member of Parliament who has servred his country with distinction."
The @ZANUPF_Official committee member Blessed Geza, says supporters of his party lack principles, they clapped as late Mugabe fired President @edmnangagwa, they clapped as he ousted Mugabe a week later. Watch full interview - https://t.co/90uSGPlTlJ pic.twitter.com/GYcU06Pap6
— HStvNews (@HStvNews) February 2, 2025