The woman who humiliated Senator Tichinani Matevera in Harare is actually his third wife.
Vallaein Mutsotso clashed with the cops, demanding that Sen
Mavetera takes her to her rural home, and give her gupuro (a token of divorce).
“Murume uyu akandishandisa kwemakore mana
achindishungurudza nekudanana netusikana. Nhasi uno akuti haachandida. He is
very cruel and heartless.”
Sen Mavetera told H-Metro : “Vallaein is very violent as
she wanted to assault me, but I have remained calm since yesterday. We didn’t
sleep last night and she said she is no longer interested in staying with me.I
have tried in vain to solve our differences with the help of her relatives. She
once threatened to commit suicide.
“Today, I called her relatives after she went wild, blocking my vehicle and those of our patients. She distracted some motorists from the hotel to the surgery. I have no other option except to return to our apartment to collect my belongings and leave her."