Mai Keketso has confirmed that her reunion with Andy Muridzo lasted only for five days.
She told H Metro :“My life has been under serious abuse in
my marriage to Andy Muridzo. It’s true that I had returned from South Africa
expecting peace following my separation with Andy. He phoned me seeking a
reunion and I thought he had repented only to come and undergo a serious
embarrassment. As we speak Andy is claiming to be living with me when he
blocked my contacts leaving me to fend for our children alone.
“To put the record straight, I never dated Gift as alleged
and Andy together with his sister and friend can testify to this. Gift sent a
message to me achiti d*k* rako and that was the message seen by Andy and he
questioned why he used such disrespectful language.
Izvozvo ndizvo zvatakarwira pamberi pevana akandidzipa ini
ndikamurumawo gumbo. I stayed with Andy for five days when I returned three
months ago from South Africa. He is un-repented and I have decided to move on
with my life supporting my kids.