The mbinga, Trevor Mbizvo who sparked drama in Cape Town is single and has a business arrangement with former Ginimbi manager, Ms Shally, ac...
The mbinga, Trevor Mbizvo who sparked drama in Cape Town is
single and has a business arrangement with former Ginimbi manager, Ms Shally,
according to Njuzu, one of the parties involved.
She said that people should not believe a word that comes out
of Hell Commander’s mouth as far as love is concerned as he was just playing
the field. Njuzu revealed that Ms Shally was just helping the mbinga to manage
his businesses just as she was doing with the late Ginimbi.
She said Hell
Commander has realised the value Ms Shally brings to his businesses that he
cannot afford to lose her for now, hence the confessions of love. Hell
Commander has said he loved Ms Shally and was committed. He has apologised for his
antics with Njuzu but insists they were never intimate. He came live on
Instagram with Ms Shally and kissed her as a show of love. But Njuzu laughed and
said Hell Commander was her man anytime she wanted him.
She said that is why he said he loved Ms Shally zvekutodaro
which means not really fully into it.
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