The late Moana’s father, Ishmael Amuli has stormed out of his daughter’s funeral wake after a furious row with her mother, Yolanda Kuvawonga...
The late Moana’s father, Ishmael Amuli has stormed out of his daughter’s funeral wake after a furious row with her mother, Yolanda Kuvawonga.
“Haaaa isu tadzingwa hatina zvatichakwanisa kutaura isu.
Zvatombonzi mwana wacho haasi wangu,” he told H Metro as he left the Highfield home where Moana is
being mourned.
Other Amuli relatives were heard saying, “Let’s go. They
will know kuti baba vakakosha soon.” Moana’s mother refused to comment. “Handiti
mangozvionawo zvaitika, handidi kutaura nezvazvo.”
Reports had said Amuli wanted to fine Genius’ family (the
Kadungures) for causing his daughter’s death or else surrender the body to
them. This reportedly did not go well with Moana’s mother who wants her
daughter to be laid to rest in peace.
Moana’s burial has been pushed back to allow for DNA tests.