Moana’s mother, Yolanda Kuvaoga has threatened to undress in protest against taking the body of her daughter to a Moslem church.
The High Court is set to decide on Moana’s burial today
after hearing from her warring parties.
“Nhasi ndatouya ndakapfeka kataiti kane maresi mukati
ndakamirira kuti vakangoendesa mwana wangu kuchurch yeMoslem ndaisvikobvisa
hembe nekuti mwana anga asisaende kuMoslem,” she last Friday.
“Moana had since stopped following that religion and
everyone could see it from her dressing and clubbing.
“More so she died while coming from a night club, taking
her body to a Moslem church is violation of the late’s rights as well as
fighting me in the name of religion.
“He met me in a pub and by that time I was 15 years when I
got pregnant and I want to believe he is the first to abuse me to be wild but
today he wants to claim to be an ardent follower of Moslem religion.
“Moana died aged 26 and I am 41 years old, if you calculate
our age differences it clearly shows that I gave birth at a tender age,” she