A UK based woman has lost over US$1 000 to her local lover before they even met face to face.
Stembiso Chaira and Gilbert Mukoka, hit it off after chatting
on WhatsApp and agreed to construct a house where they would stay at
Wazvaremhaka Village in Chivhu.
Mukoka volunteered to manage the project and Chaira started
sending him money every week.
“My search to have someone to settle with has emotionally
affected me and left me hunting for Mukoka. I gave her my heart unaware that he
was after milking me. I connected with him through a love programme on social
media and we exchanged contacts and photographs before we started a
relationship. He indicated to me that he was a builder and we agreed to build a
home at my home village.
“I gave him directions and he visited the village together
with his son Adoration where they managed to dig a foundation and delivered
five bags of cement. After that visit I trusted him and sent money to buy all
the building material he wanted according to the quotations he sent to me
beginning of June this year.
“He refused to send photographs of the building material he
claimed to have bought before blocking my contacts until today. Mukoka visited
my village together with one of his sons he claimed was a builder who was to
help him in the construction of the house.
“We agreed on the house plan and he charged me for the
drawing of the plan and hey that was that. He has brought shame to my name in
the village,” Chaira told H Metro.