The late Moana Amuli’s mother, Yolanda Kuvawonga says her father is only after her cars.
“Kubva pakafa mwana, vanga vachingondibvunza kuti zvinhu
zvemwana zvirikupi? Zvinhu zvemwana, mwana afa here, chimirai tivige mwana
“Vakabva varamwa, vakabva panhamo vakati sara uchiviga.
Vakanyepa vakati ndati mwana haasi wavo,” she said.
Kuvawonga was trying to have the burial l order cancelled. However, she was told that only a high court interdict can cancel a burial order.
“It’s the cars that he wants. He tells us he wants the cars
and I told them she had sold all her cars. He hated her, he hated his own child
to the extent of hating her corpse. So what does he want to do with the corpse
Kuvawonga refused to comment on allegations that Moana was
six months pregnant.
“She had not told me that, I also only heard about it like
you all did. What I know is she had engaged. She sent me a message saying he
proposed and I said yes but I had never even seen her fiancé’s face. She
offered to bring him to me but I refused because I was angry over the fact that
she was relocating to South Africa.”