The late Moana’s father, Amuli says he does not want any of her possessions. “Let them have the property, they thought we wanted some of...
The late Moana’s father, Amuli says he does not want any of her possessions.
“Let them have the property, they thought we wanted some of
it, but they can have it. We do not want any of it seeing that this is part of
the reasons why they had brought us to court, but we are not interested in
that,” he told The Standard.
Moana’s mother, Yolanda has come out in defence of her
automatic ownership of the property left with her revealing that she had no
intention of sharing it with the father, whom she accused of asking about the
cars in particular despite not being on talking terms with his daughter in the
recent past.
“It’s the cars that he wants. He tells us he wants the cars and I told them she had sold all her cars,” she said last week.