“What happened is that there is guy who had my Laptop hard
drive; he came here and promised to bring the drive to me. So I didn’t want him
to go alone and bring the drive because he had been telling me stories since
February this year.
“He came at one time asking for a laptop and this guy
claims that he is Hwindi’s DJ by the name Daf Dee and I gave him. He later
returned the laptop without a hard drive and after several pleas I decided to
take the matter to police.
“On the day in question he came in a way to settle our
differences about the laptop and I told him that he had given me a laptop
without a hard drive. We had a heated debate about it and we agreed to take the
matter to police and he suggested to leave with me a laptop he had promising to
go and bring my hard drive.
“The next thing was to see him in the company of police
officers and Gwasira arrived during the scuffle and attacked a police officer
by throwing a brick.
“Police officers ordered me to surrender all stolen things
and they took the laptop and the matter turned sour leaving me with bruises all
over my body and it affected my operation stitches since I recently gave birth.
“Daf Dee, who happened to be the complainant, was detained
over the case I reported against him in connection with my laptop. I was ordered to go home and report the
following morning and Daf Dee decided to withdraw the case against me and I
also withdrew my case after Daf Dee finally surrendered the hard drive he was
holding on to since February,” Lady Squanda told H Metro