Lovemore Majaivana has revealed that he was paid less because he sang in Ndebele. “My life has been a sad one, have been dealt blows b...

Lovemore Majaivana has revealed that he was paid less because
he sang in Ndebele.
“My life has been a sad one, have been dealt blows below
the belt. First of all it was the language that I sang in, it didn’t really
bring me the fortune that one expects like when you look at these other people
that sing in the widely known languages.
“They get a better share of the profits. It’s partly why I
left music because whenever I went to collect my cheque, I saw the other
cheques of people that sang in different languages, they had better cheques
than mine.
“You might say my music was not better than theirs and
after travelling a lot in places like Sweden, England, Denmark and Canada, we
had full houses and at home here it was on tribal lines.”