Zoolian Karendo, the Chinhoyi boy whose video has gone viral has been described by his aunt as “always funny.” The aunt, Marry Karen...

Zoolian Karendo, the Chinhoyi boy whose video has gone
viral has been described by his aunt as “always
The aunt, Marry Karendo stays with Zoolian and his father
in Chikonohono. “I am his aunt, sister to his father and we stay together at
the same house with his parents. He is always like this, even kumba.
“People think his statements are too big for his age, and
some think ndisu tomuudzira zvekuita. The boy is always funny, and musikanzwa
ndopamusha payo manje. He likes fighting, and pane basa hombe chairo.
“Vanhu vanotomboti maybe zita raakapihwa nababa vake ndiro
rinomupa musikanzwa kudaro because rinenge rakatorwa from mumafirimu imomu.
“But ini naye tiri mabest friends, towirirana manje,” she told
H Metro. In the video, his father posed a question to Zoolian? “Wati
ndikukuvadza nechiiko inini?
He responded: “Mukundikuvadza
nembambaira imimi.”