This teenager, Aker Okoye was in the spotlight when he hugged Meghan Markle during her surprise visit to his east London school. He...
This teenager, Aker Okoye was in the spotlight when he hugged
Meghan Markle during her surprise visit to his east London school.
He has now penned a letter to Prince Harry to apologise for
breaking royal protocol. The Dutchess visited the Robert Clack Upper School in
Dagenham on Friday to mark International Women’s Day.
The 16-year-old who is the school’s head boy said : “I’ve
written the letter to make sure Harry doesn’t have a problem with it and to say
sorry really and that I hope he didn’t mind.Meghan found it funny and I’m sure
Harry will as well. When she asked which brave young man wanted to do a talk I
jumped at the chance. I leapt up there. I thought it would be proper protocol
to give her a cuddle. It’s all a blur,” he told The Sun.
Dagenham schoolboy Aker Okoye, 16, told his fellow pupils "she really is beautiful, innit" as he was joined on stage by the Duchess of Sussex.— Sky News (@SkyNews) March 9, 2020
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