Leo Mugabe says former president, Robert Mugabe’s body can last a month outside a mortuary. He told ZTN News on Tuesday: “When I left ...
Leo Mugabe says former president, Robert Mugabe’s body can
last a month outside a mortuary. He told
ZTN News on Tuesday: “When I left Harare on Thursday (last week after returning
with the body from Zvimba), the general understanding was that the body would
be taken to a mortuary or a place to be preserved. However, I have since been told that the
preservation process was done in Singapore and the body can last for a month
without going to the mortuary. This is something I believe is good as there are
no extra expenses.”
He went on: “If a chief were to be buried in a cave, for
instance, they would have to be dried up first. Can you imagine how long it
would take for the person to dry up? It
is not a day’s job. So, culturally, they would have to spend days with the
body. So, I don’t see a problem there myself. But, in any case, the fact is
that we are waiting for the mausoleum to be finished. (Therefore), we still
have to keep the body.”
Regarding why different caskets have been used, he said, “I
cannot answer that particular question. The safety of the corpse was taken into