Leo Mugabe, former President Mugabe's nephew, Leo Mugabe, has not paid his farm workers for months. The 85 workers at Nangadza Far...
The 85 workers at Nangadza Farm near Mhangura say they have
not been paid for 13 months.
Mugabe confirmed to VOA that that he has not paid his workers.
But said the employees should be grateful because he gave them pieces of land
to cultivate tobacco.
He said his workers are still the “happiest farm labourers
in the country” as they still enjoy privileges they used to get when white
commercial farmers were in charge of prime land in Zimbabwe.
But the workers, who are getting RTGS$2 per day instead of
RTGS$5, said Leo Mugabe is worse than some farmers in the area in terms of
paying employees.
They claimed that Mugabe is forcing them to pay rentals for
using barns to cure tobacco and other services linked to farming.
Felix Chusuvi, who is owed nearly RTGS$10,000 in fuel and
land tillage costs, said Mugabe is now planning to sack some of the workers to
avoid paying their salaries.