Home Affairs Minister, Cain Mathema says soldiers and the police are “firmly on the ground” to protect people who want to go about their n...
Home Affairs Minister, Cain Mathema says soldiers and the
police are “firmly on the ground” to protect people who want to go about their
normal business today.
“As the Ministry of Home Affairs, we want to reassure the
public that we will not hesitate to enforce the law today, tomorrow or in the
next 100 years. We want to make sure that every Zimbabwean enjoys the peace and
freedom we have in the country because Zimbabwe belongs to all Zimbabweans.
“Every Zimbabwean has a right to enjoy the freedom that is
prevailing in the country without any fear, so as Government we want to
reassure Zimbabweans that the security agents will be there to ensure security
of persons and property. They should feel free to carry out their activities,”
Minister Mathema told The Herald.
Information Minister, Monica Mutsvangwa said the law would take its course
in the event of violence.
“People should know that the disturbances that occurred a
few days ago were not demonstrations but it was people who are pushing for
regime change in the country. The Government and our security forces are on the
ground and people should feel free to go to work and to school as security
forces are providing everyone with safety.”
“We want to inform people that those who destroyed property
worth more than $300 million across the country were hooligans. That must not
be allowed in this country and those who were arrested will be heavily
punished,” said Mutsvangwa.