A young mother has poisoned her two infant daughters, killing one while the other one is battling for life in hospital. Rachel Katsuwa...
A young mother has poisoned her two infant daughters,
killing one while the other one is battling for life in hospital.
Rachel Katsuwa (22) of Mutasa attempted to commit suicide
by drinking the same poison. She was rescued by fellow villagers. Katsuwa was
subsequently arrested and she appeared in court last Friday facing murder and
attempted murder charges.
Public prosecutor, Mr Shepherd Chawarika, said :“Allegations
are that on the day in question at around 8pm, the suspect locked herself with
her two children in the bedroom. One was aged two years six months and the
other was three months old.
“The accused person first gave an unknown pesticide to her
two year old baby and she died on admission at Bonda Mission Hospital. She
later poisoned her three months old baby. The baby was taken to the same
hospital where she is receiving treatment,” said Mr Chawarika.
Reasons for the poisoning were not revealed in court.