I Lynette Karenyi being MDCT Women's Assembly Chairlady, will not be running for elections as an independent whatsoever 'It's ...

I totalLy accept am not happy about the way us women have
been treated in the primaries but that does not mean to say am running away
from MDCT . “it’s not something that interests me to abandon my party and those
who support me as leader. MDCT is in my DNA.”
“I’ve always felt very secure and confident with myself in
knowing what I could do and what I cannot,” and I urge all MDC T members to
stay united, focused and peaceful so that we achieve our goal of victory in the
short coming national election.
In conclusion Its imprtant to note that i have a morale
responsibility to communicate to my coleagues and supporters so they know where
I stand. My posts should not then be misdirected to suit those bent on causing
divisions in the party.
I thank you all for the flood of support I continue to
receive countrywide.
Lynette Karenyi
MDCT Women's Assembly Chairlady