Zimbabwe is having its first reality television show this year, dubbed Big Sister. A local production company, Channel Yedu, will be hostin...
Zimbabwe is having its first reality television show this
year, dubbed Big Sister. A local production company, Channel Yedu, will be
hosting it.
Big Sister is expected to kick off in June and end
mid-July with 30 house-mates battling for a cash prize of about $25 000. All
the episodes will be shot at a house in Glen Lorne, Harare, which is already
being set up for the reality show.
Big Sister is a replica of the popular Big Brother Africa
show and will have the same rules but some terms and conditions will be suited
to meet the Zimbabwean market.
Big Sister show projects manager Chelsea Travers told The
Herald :“Yes, it is true that we are hosting ‘Big Sister’ reality show. We have
started setting up a house in Glen Lorne, with all the equipment necessary for
the show. Some of the equipment was acquired here while the rest is on its way
from South Africa.
“We will have 30 house-mates and one winner just like how
the show is conducted in BBA. Channel Yedu is involved and one obtains an
application online or in person at our offices in Harare and submit via email
or WhatsApp platform. Our producers will then call for an interview and upload
on all media platforms where people can begin voting once applications are
open,” she said.
“We are in talks with some television channels so that it
gets a slot. The show will air online 24 /7 with major highlights on ZBC TV.