Morgan Tsvangirai’s widow Elizabeth was hounded out of Buhera by relatives whose abuse was relentless. According to Shona tradition, soon ...

According to Shona tradition, soon after burial of the deceased, precautionary rituals are usually performed to purify those concerned with the funeral, especially the wife, ostensibly to prevent the spirit from returning from the grave to torment those left behind.
Elizabeth did not participate at all in any core-funeral and post-burial ceremonies. She was kept in the dark about the parameters on how death, funeral and post-death ceremonies should be held, and any other funeral arrangements.
The Daily News understands Elizabeth left Humanikwa the morning-after the burial, headed back to Harare.
Her departure reportedly caused rancour in the family, but was a bold statement against dictatorial tendencies by the Tsvangirai family, where her exclusivism became the tone of the funeral, and it was apparent she was being systematically sidelined.
She returned to her Highlands matrimonial home, where she has been confined since.
The only time she left her home was on Wednesday when she was invited to escort Kenya opposition leader Raila Odinga to the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport.