Businessman Phillip Chiyangwa is defending the divorce litigation brought before the High Court by his estranged wife, Elizabeth. “Take...

“Take notice that on January 23, 2018, the defendant
[Chiyangwa] entered an appearance to defend this action. The summons was served
on the defendant on January 22, 2018. The defendant’s address for service is
care of his undersigned legal practitioners, Kantor and Immerman,” Chiyangwa’s
lawyers said.
Elizabeth’s lawyers said :”The relationship between
plaintiff (Elizabeth) and defendant (Chiyangwa) has irretrievably broken down
and there are no reasonable prospects for the restoration of a normal marriage
relationship, more particularly in that; the parties have been living apart for
a continuous period in excess of 12 months, since plaintiff moved out of the
matrimonial home on September 18, 2016.
“It is accordingly just and equitable that the marriage
relationship between the parties be dissolved based on their mutual consent. It
is reasonable and practicable, and just and equitable, pursuant to the
provisions of the Matrimonial Causes Act that the matrimonial estate between
the parties be divided in the manner set out in the original consent paper
executed by the plaintiff and defendant in the presence of their legal
practitioners that is to be filed of record with this honourable court based on
their mutual consent and agreement.”