Actress Tinopona Katsande says felt ashamed when she was told she was infertile. She said :”Less than three years ago I would have neve...
She said :”Less than three years ago I would have never
imagined I would be holding this most precious gift of mine today. I suffer
from a gynaecological condition called endometriosis (often misdiagnosed as
jeko/islumoin Zim ) and was told that I was now infertile due to the aggressive
nature of the condition.
I didnt voice it but inside I was devastated that I would
never be called "mummy" . I was envious of my friends and family who
had children, but I sure did try to be the bestest aunty. I may have been
talking " Miss Independent , I dont want to have kids anyway," on the
outside but inside, I was ashamed and frustrated because I didn't meet the
criteria that society stipulates of being a "real women" , which be
married - have children.
Today Yambuko is almost two. Tall and lanky like mummy and
daddy, spoilt rotten by gogo and sekuru and with a yap yap mouth and energy
like.....(go figure lol), I say to Jehovah be the Glory. No I didnt go onto
fertility treatment, although I was three months from starting hormonal
therapy, No I didn't go to any n'aga/prophet/, no i didn't adopt. I did however
remain steadfast in prayer, I changed a couple of lifestyle and eating habits,
I kept myself abreast on latest developments in endometriosis treatment and
research just in case a cure came along (there is presently no cure for
endometriosis but there effective pain management programs). in essence - I
never gave up hope